Thursday, July 8, 2010


This post is definitely not for the soft hearted, traditional, inferior and cowards. If you are one of them drop here itself
Lot of times I heard this word “VIRGINITY’ from different people since my schooling. When I started giving serious thought about to define that word in my perception, I’m unable to figure out what might be the logic behind people’s perceptions. I am just putting my doubts regarding the same as it is. Also, as far as my knowledge is concerned the ultimate act of sex is to have an orgasm by spitting something from their sex organs. All my doubts are based on the same definition

• If a person who had sex is not a virgin then how come a person who masturbates is a virgin?? The ultimate thing happening in both the cases is same for any person.

• Someone said the desire level will be different when a person is masturbating and when he/she is involved in sex. Let us suppose a person is having sex with a ugly person (in his perception). Automatically his desire level will be very low when compared to the same person having sex with a sexy person. Does that mean he/she is a virgin if he has sex with the ugly person??

• How come a person who had foreplay with someone is a virgin? Just because they didn’t have intercourse??

• Let us suppose a person is watching a sex scene in a movie which is excellently picturized and the person is excited and all his/her hormones reacted well. Why is this person still a virgin?? He/she is almost having sex with the on scene person (that’s why their hormones react. Right??)

• Suppose two kids had sex (suppose 6 to 7 yrs old kids) even without knowing what is sex and without having orgasm. Are they virgins or not??

• Every person (atleast boys) in their growing age get dreams about sex and spits out their sperm. Is he still a virgin?? Somehow I feel that it happens to girls also. If it is the case, is she a virgin?

• Suppose a person raped a girl. Is she a virgin or not?

• What about a sex worker who does sex for her living? Is she/he a virgin or not??

• Suppose there is a boy & girl who are classmates or colleagues or friends. Both of them may touch each other’s hands or other body parts in their day to day life. If these persons are virgins why not  the persons who had sex are not virgins?? What is the difference between their hands and their sex organs?? Both of them are their body parts only and they are contacting the other person’s body parts. Isn't it??

• In the above point you may say that sex is an emotional act done physically. If that is the case my point in sex scene while watching a movie is valid as it is purely emotional even though there is no physical act. Also the raped girl is a virgin since she is not intended to have sex with him

• If you say a person is not a virgin only if he/she is indulged in a physical act then my points in foreplay and masturbating are valid. Also the girl who was being raped is also not a virgin.

• If you say it is both emotional and physical, the person who raped the girl and the sex worker are also virgins. Because the first person has done it with sadism and the second person for survival. No one is emotionally attached to their act

• By the way of his birth, no boy in this world is a virgin

P.S: I never had sex experience other than foreplay. So if any of my questions are meaningless please enlighten me with your gyan!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Yes.. I started living again.. Since some years I was/am never happy with the way I'm living.. For an year I was not happy because of my job, for a couple of years because the girl I desired to share my life is not interested to share her's with me.. After that, I was not happy because of myself.. Its 1 year 2 months that I started thinking about Myself and the research is still going on.. In all these phases I am never a happy man.. The only relief for me is cigaratte, whisky and Ram Gopal Varma's blog.. The formers help me to forget myself for sometime and the later realizes me what and where I am. Here I am putting two articles from RGV blog which influenced/inspired me a lot. 



We are born, we are tended to by our parents, we go to school, spend years getting educated without having the faintest idea of what exactly education means, and the day we truly understand it our education would have been finished. We only realize the value of the so-called education when we are given a position to apply it in a practical sense and most of us would be pretty much lost. That is because the emphasis our parents put on us was to get marks and never on education.

So to get marks we, by heart, we copy, or study specifically towards questions what we think will be asked or study studiously so as to get distinction but not even having a thought or an idea in hell, how and where we would be applying most of what we study. It amazes me that throughout my growing years not once did my parents or teachers tell me that the purpose of education is to get knowledge and marks are just a proof to an outside world that you do have that knowledge. Due to their insecurity and also their own ignorance or over looking of the purpose, the thrust they put on us was always to get marks which hopefully could result in better jobs.

And then when we get a job the thrust on us will be to work hard in pretty much the same way as how they thrust education. My grandfather who was a Civil Engineer used to hammer into me to work hard both in my studies and when I was doing a job in the construction of Krishna Oberoi Hotel in Hyderabad. He told me that he used to wake up by 4.00am everyday throughout his life. When I asked him how come some guys who wake up at 10.00am are more successful than him, he used to get angry.

I wanted to tell him that it’s not about 4.00am or 10.00am and it’s also not about what you do in the time that you are awake but it is about how you are feeling when you are doing that is what the point of life is all about, but for fear of being slapped I resisted that as he was a pretty aggressive man. I believe that if you are constantly doing what you are doing just because you are told to do or because of your fear of tomorrow or because of commitments and responsibilities you would have truly lost the whole purpose of being alive.

Life is but a cycle of, we are born, we grow up, we get married, we have children, we make them grow up, we make them get married, we get old and then we die. God or nature or whichever thing, gave us life is only to surely take it away and as long as it is ultimately only that, why not just make the best of it.

My people keep telling me that I work too hard. In reality I never worked in my life. Work is something I define as what you have to do. But if you want to do it, it becomes a pleasure and I always did in my life only what I wanted to do. The trap of programming society puts us in and religion and morality create in us a guilt for whatever we love, and a fear of rejection and failure and the constant pressure of raising to expectations.

As long as death is inevitable there is no question of any of us having a state of permanent success. Life in itself is a process, for example in my college days I used to sometimes have problems with raising 40 rupees and today sometimes I have a problem in raising 4 crores, but what I feel about it in that particular state of mind is exactly the same. Everybody thought I made a bad film in Drohi but it’s only because of Drohi I met Urmila and it’s only because of Urmila I made Rangeela. It’s only because of Sanjay Dutt’s arrest Nayak got shelved and everybody either sympathized or gloated depending on their relationship with me over the misfortune without realizing that it will resurface as Sarkar. So in effect everything in life is connected. A present day success can be the start of an impending failure or vice-versa. So as long as everything is so uncertain, why worry about it and just do what you feel like doing at every single moment of your life.

‘Forget yesterday, live today and fantasize tomorrow’ is the motto of my life and it has always been that ever since I was an unruly kid, and a so-called irresponsible youngster and an erratic and eccentric adult.

With the first money of about 2 lakhs I got for my first movie, my grandfather was after me to buy a piece of land in Jubilee Hills to secure my future and I went ahead and spent it on the interior decoration of a rented office which I anyway was supposed to vacate in a few months time. My grandfather predicted to everyone that I will be a massive failure because of this attitude of mine. Throughout his life he worked very hard without once thinking what exactly he is working towards. I failed to explain to him that the few months’ pleasure I would get in staying in that office with a décor of what I want to experience was much more than my fear of what will happen in the future if I become a failure.

If all your work is geared towards securing yourself against failure and death why live at all?


Many commented on whether I would speak or behave like this if I was not successful. The word success itself is highly relative. People constantly live in either a fear of losing or in a hope of gaining. There’s no such thing as an absolute state of success. I have always been successful and that’s nothing to do with my film career. Success is something I define as to be able to get up in the morning and do what you want to do till you sleep. That does not mean that you should want to fly or rule empires. It could be anything which your capability permits and your intelligence submits.

Yes, you have your family, relationships, obligations etc. But if you want to take care of them and stand by them, you are doing what you want to do. In reality most people act and do things out of compulsion by others or within themselves rather than really wanting to do so.

I never claimed that I became successful because of this attitude of mine. All I had said was that I had the courage to bear the consequences of the decisions I took. Many of my decisions went wrong, in fact most of them. But what cannot be taken away from me is the pleasure moments I experienced in that process. By the time the result of a certain decision came about I was already into the pleasure of moments of other decisions and this has been the circle all my life.

If you are on a dry beach and you want to reach a beautiful looking island in the distance, you can make a decision to swim across or go in a boat on maybe take a plane or just fantasize that you are there on that island or psyche yourself that you are better off on the dry beach itself. But what most people will do is to constantly worry about whether there might be sharks in the sea or the boat might sink or the plane ticket is too expensive or what if there is a sudden storm, and thereby remain bitter, frustrated and fearful all their lives.

I weigh the consequences and think of the logistics and plunge in even if I don’t know swimming. I will either learn to swim or sink in the process but what I will not do at any cost is to stay put. After 2 big flops Antham and Govinda Govinda I packed my bags to Mumbai and made Rangeela. But Rangeela could have turned into a flop too. When I made so many flops how would I really know how to make a hit? Flops and hits happen by themselves whereas the only thing I can really make happen is to make a decision to make a film. For instance after all the effort and courage if I manage to reach that beautiful island, as soon as I step on it I could be killed by a lion there whose existence I don’t even know about. Not once am I saying that I know everything about what will happen. I just want to do things that I want to happen.

Once while we were travelling in a car, a guy very concernedly gave me a theory that 50 years from now we are going to have water wars in the world where everyone will die. I told him that at the next turn on the road we might be hit by a truck and die, and frankly I am not concerned about what happens to the world one second after I die. But if you truly worry about the water wars instead of sitting here and worrying why don’t you go and do some scientific research to solve the water problem. If you don’t know science then atleast work as a tea boy to the scientist and contribute. But I know you would not do that as then you won’t have time to do your umpteen other activities like going to the discotheque, cinema and indulge in bitching sessions. And on the other hand if you truly constantly worry about the world being finished in 50 years, what if a smart scientist comes up with a solution in the 49th year and then you would be the biggest fool for wasting 49 years of your life worrying off.

Most people can’t differentiate between worrying and thinking, Worrying is negative energy and makes your mind run in circles breeding depression and frustration whereas thinking makes you reach a decision and the decision you reach will result in work and if the work does not result in what you wanted from it, all you have to do is Re-work.


the above two posts may not appeal for each and every individual.. For, those who think the above points make sense go and start living and others.. wake up, go to your job, work for some hours, come back, sleep with your partner if you have and then keep worrying...

Sunday, February 14, 2010


There is no remedy for love but to love more

Love is, above all else, the gift of oneself

To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven

On cloud 9??

Wait a moment... That’s not the end..
To start with, I strongly believe that the definitions of all the crucial words love, truth, god, selfishness in our
life changes from individual to individual. So, I am definitely not trying to define the word love. Am just
questioning some of the statements that came my way since some time… 

The frequently used definition about love is “It’s a feeling that no one can frame some words into sentences”.
If you are not able to define it you don’t have any right to talk about it, as you yourself don’t know anything
about it. If you know what it is, come on define it?

The next one is, “If you are in love with someone, you should accept him/her as he/she is”. What if a person
X is burning Y’s hands or any other body parts with cigarette? Since Y is feeling that he/she is in love with X,
he/she has to accept X as he/she is?? That’s damn fucking

“Love at first sight”... Ha ha ha ha... what a joke... if you feel love after seeing him/her in the first look. You
are in love with that person just because he/she looks like that.. So, if that person met with an accident and
lost his/her body parts before your first look... will you still get the same feeling as you are feeling now??
Don’t lie to yourself by saying yes.

Suppose, if there are two colleagues or classmates or neighbors who spent some years together and they like
each others interests and so they feel that as love. In this case, since they like his/her partners way of living and
their view points regarding life and they can’t accept other if he/she is not what they are now. Then, how can
we call it as love... its just business...

About opposite gender love in youth, if you have a best friend in opposite gender of your age and you are in
love with some other person. What is the difference between your best friend and lover? Is that not lust?? If not,
why the hell you think almost every second in the day about him/her? You ever spend that much time in a day
thinking of the best friend or even your parents or your siblings?? First of all, what do you think about her/him all
the day? Roaming around parks, beach or theatre? Why do you want to spend all the time lonely with your
partner? Why do you identify your pair when there is some chemistry going on between hero and heroine in a
movie? Why do you want to take her/his hand into yours and walk? Don’t you feel any difference in the hug you
give to your friend and your partner? Don’t say that it is romance. Romance does not stimulate your hormones,
Lust does…

I’m not saying that there is no care, no responsibility and so on between them. My question is why do you do
all the above only with your partner and not with your friend?? Another example is if two persons are friends
for some time without any feelings and then one/both feel that he/she loves the other… I’m sure that the
difference between before and after getting that feeling is lust. Also, he/she will get that dare or gut to express
his/her love with the other only if the person is able to accept the other physically. If they never get this physical
attraction into mind, they will remain as friends forever..

Its already too lengthy... I can’t afford to eat your brain anymore…
Thus, what I am trying to say is what people think as love has some other meaning or definition...
Review whatever I said and let me know if you have any words to say..

So, I’m concluding this post by wishing all the valentines...

“Wish you all a very happy lustful day”

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We all like illusions or to say it better we live in illusions. Till we complete our academic education or till we get any unexpected problem in life we do not realize what we are. Till then we feel like a hero and think that we can do whatever we want in life. We can observe this while watching movies. When we see the film idiot we feel like an idiot, when we see three idiots we feel like amir, when we see ankuram we feel like revathi.

Till our academics, we do not have much concerns in life other than some exams and one or two crushes. But then, after coming in to the reality, when we started learning what we are, when we came to know we are not heroes and we have limitations in all sides of the life.. It is damn difficult to digest the facts. The only difference is till our academics we don’t know that we have some limits and we live in illusions, after that we will understand the facts about our heroism but still live in the same illusions.

For an instance, when a rowdy is raping heroine (or any other character) in a movie, we see it with utter anxiety to find the torn jacket or the bare thighs and what not each secret part of the victim and then immediately in the next scene if the hero goes and fight with that rapist, we support the hero heartfully and we may even clap in the theatre based on the directors capability. If we observe the above scenario, there is a contradiction within ourselves. We are enjoying her nakedness and in the next scene we hate the rowdy for doing so. The worst part is, even if we see swathimuthyam with in no time after the earlier movie we start identifying ourselves with the Kamal Hassan’s character in the movie.

There are some interesting interpretations in the above example. The first one is, we are ignorant that we are actually supporting the rowdy character as we strongly feel that we never do that kind of stuff to a lady. The second one is, we identify ourselves in the hero character as we all wish to fight against the evil in the society and then we go far beyond our nature and feel like Kamal Hassan. The reason behind each of our reactions is, we feel anxiety to see her naked because our hormones react faster than our heart, in the next scene our heart starts working and realizes that the lady was troubled by that rowdy. So, we want to fight against him. As we can’t fight with him either on screen or off screen, we start admiring the hero character as he is doing what you thought to do.

Similarly, when a lady sees the movie ankuram, she identifies herself with revathi and applauds her for doing whatever she has done in that movie. But, in reality how many persons can bring a child to her home in that fashion and fights with her husband, law and society to give back that kid to his father. Here also, the person believes that whatever Revathi has done is perfect and admires her because Revathi has done exactly what the person is believing correct.

As explained in the first example, we will come across lot of contradictions between what we do and what we believe in our real life. But, we do not realize this when we are students or under aged persons. As we grow up and understand the limitations of our heroism, we can not bare the feeling that we are not hero. Each day passing, we will come to know a new fact about our pseudo heroism and starts admiring the screen heroes in the movies and stop working about our heroism in the real life.

In the second example, we just don't know our inability that we can not save a child like that in reality but when we are watching the movie, we feel like we have fought against all the hindrances and gave back the child to his father. When we really face that kind of situation in real life, we admire the character of Revathi and stop thinking about our own heroism to save that child as we feel that it is unnecessary risk to our family and social life. If you save that child, then you are a hero and this blog is not for you.

I will leave this topic here to your sensibilities, abilities and guts to interpret all the above points. Just review yourself where you stand really.. Are you a real hero? Are you able to do what exactly you want to do? Or do you give up thinking about the heroism and living like every other person?

Finally, after seeing all these things, don’t come to me and ask, are you doing whatever you want... You already know the answer... ;)

P.S: You may have your own interpretations about good, bad and heroism. So, I am not at all bothered about how you take the above examples. But, if you are able to relate them to your own life and if it makes some sense try to review yourself and you know what to do after that..


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Someone in my gtalk list reminded me that today is ‘Republic Day for India’. I think this is really a good topic to start up the blog. Don’t worry, I’m not going to discuss about the historical aspects of this day.

Personally, I feel that the word public itself has some wrong notion. We are all individuals. Each and every person has his own interests and disinterests. Someone may feel giving a buck to a beggar is helping and another may feel it as encouraging laziness. So it is meaningless to say that as a country we have developed a lot or we are far behind the countries like US, Japan and other developed countries. Even countries like US has slums (might be more beautiful than ours) just beside skyscrapers. The only difference is most of them are more self disciplined than our so called INDIANS. We don’t have enough guts to question our government servants. We don’t have enough guts to question ourself.

When I was in Bangalore, I observed most of the bus conductors takes money and does not give ticket. 99% of the times I observed, the passengers never questioned the conductor to give him the ticket. There are two reasons for this situation. The first one is, the conductor will take one or two rupees less than the actual ticket amount. So, the passenger feels like when I’m able to save a couple of bucks why should I bother about the ticket and the other reason is they don’t have enough guts to question the conductor. Ultimately, the RTC is getting loss and they charge very high amount as ticket fares. Even if you get down with in two stops the ticket fare is 5 bucks.

If the first passenger himself questions the bribery of the conductor or that of himself I am sure that the bus fares in Bangalore might not be like this today. Similarly, we can see hell lot of scenarios like this each and everyday where, as an individual we fail to justify our self while doing something. So, it is useless to celebrate a day that we have got our own constitution until we follow the constitution.

Finally, I would like to see a ‘NEW PUBLIC’ day rather than this ‘REPUBLIC DAY’

I was engaged in some get together yesterday. So a day delay in posting ;)

Jai Hindividual

Monday, January 18, 2010

About the Title

When you see the title ME versus YOU all of you might be thinking that there would be some battle between YOU and ME. But in fact, here ME stands for the internal thought process about each and every action I do, I feel, I speak to myself and YOU stands for the external ME which takes decisions based on how YOU may feel, how YOU may react, how YOU extend your relation with me after that act and what not, everything related YOU.. Everyone in this world constantly struggles with his/her inside with the outside world in almost every decision they take in their life. Hence this blog is dedicated to each person who wants to respect his inside rather than the external in each and every action in life regardless of whether it is good or bad, and ready to face the consequences of the act. So, all those who live for the sake of society please FUCK OFF.